SOG, (Sculpture Oniroscopiste Géométrique) is a geometric character whose particularities are the twisting of the body and the aerodynamic attitude. But it is above all his face that surprises. Deprived of what usually gives a face its emotion, i.e. the eyes, the nose and the mouth, it is nevertheless endowed with them. Only crossed by a kind of curved bar, it shows an intense feeling, a speaking character.
SOG is an animal, a human, SOG lives by what it transmits, like oniroscopism, SOG is movement.
Danonaselo (click here) is a sculpture created by San Damon at the very beginning of the creation of oniroscopism in 2004 and even before. It is part of the S.O.G. series (Geometric Oniroscopic Sculpture). Danonaselo is a very specific proper name given by San Damon to this sculpture. All the difficulty comes from the fact that Damon had to move from 2D drawing to 3D sculpture with the particular twists and angles that emerge from the strange character. Indeed, the night lighting surrounding the Danonaselo and the daylight that illuminates it, and in particular the presence of the sun that revolves around it, makes us see a totally different character. Shadows are thrown to the ground and angles are projected on the facades. The Danonaselo is placed for life in a public square in Portugal, in Fiães and is part of the Portuguese heritage. The work is three metres high and looks out, as San Damon wanted, towards the ocean through the lands of Mozelos, Lourosa, São Paio de Oleiros, etc. The roundabout on which the Danonaselo is placed is decorated with certain flowers in harmony with the work. A plaque on the base explains the meaning of the work and a poem written by San Damon encloses it.