
Onioscopist sculptures are geometric characters, animal or human, that ignore the usual characteristics of a face, but whose emotions and words are nevertheless understood, which is due in particular to the orientation of a curved bar that crosses the oval of said face, reminiscent of a kind of hat giving orientation and expressions to said face.


The important position of the body further increases this feeling. They are called SOG (Sculpture Oniroscopiste Géométrique).


Description of the works :


San Damon has established a common point between his photographic and sculptural works through the axes. He has developed the latter as he usually does them in photography, diving or underwater, thus making possible various perspectives accentuated by the triangularity of the bodies. Sometimes isosceles, sometimes scalenes or equilateral. This triangularity is interrupted by two circles, an oval to define the head and a round to define the pelvis.


These intertwined geometries are perfectly distinguished by the purification of the line. Perspectives change according to where you look at them; the expression of the body manifests and also develops another vision of things or, more exactly, of the thing seen by identification, as soon as you move around it. The space taken by the work, on the other hand, seems to be modified by the nuances of width that there are, for example, between the arms and forearms or, again, by the position of the body but also by an indefinable sensation that the character is addressing the viewer or a fictional interlocutor.


The characters are mainly ochre, earth-of-Siena or broom yellow in colour and the bases, gentian blue or anthracite, colours that often appear in San Damon's photographic works. Sometimes there is a table, without a tray, only a circle, or a chair whose legs, seat and backrest are only three right angles in succession in order not to disturb the geometry of the characters.



Material :

Oniroscopic sculptures are mainly made of drawn steel, polished by sandblasting or shot blasting. The metallization is made with hot zinc and the paint is of the ral type (paint generally used for this type of work and known for its reliability over time). Outside of private collections, one of them is located for life on a roundabout in Portugal, in the entity of Santa Maria da Feira, whose name is: Danonaselo.



Appointment in the SOG Room of this Museum